Click the scores for result cards
Open A
Hallamshire 1 beat Barnsley 1 3-0Open B
Hallamshire 2 beat Doncaster 2 3-0Open C
Brampton Manor 2 beat Phoenix 2 3-0Open D
Doncaster Dome beat Phoenix 3 3-0Vets
Brampton Manor Vets 1 beat Fulwood Vets 3-0
If you would like higher resolution of any of the above photos please get in touch.
The Peter Kramer Cup Finals will be held at Brampton Manor Squash Club on Sunday 21 April 2013 at 2:15pm.
The matches are as follows:
Open A
Hallamshire 1 v Barnsley 1
Open B
Hallamshire 2 v Doncaster 2
Open C
Brampton Manor 2 v Phoenix 2
Open D
Doncaster Dome v Phoenix 3
Fulwood v Brampton Manor 1
There is no ladies final this year. There are four courts allocated. The intended order of play is shown below. This, of course, is open to change dependent on the length of matches. Players should be present from the start.
Yet again we are lucky enough to have the help of some international referees! But there will not be enough to cover every match so players may be required to mark their own matches. If anybody wishes to volunteer as a referee please get in touch.
Open C 3
Open D 3
Open D 2
Open C 1
Open C 2
Open D 1
Open A 3
Open B 3
Vets 3
Open A 2
Open B 2
Vets 2
Open A 1
Open B 1
Vets 1
There will be a free buffet for players following the prize giving.
Why no come along and support?
Brampton Manor would like to offer on the day of the PK S&D Cup Finals (21st April 2013), the visiting players, families & supporters some great offers so you can enjoy a great day:-
50% Discount on a day pass with access to all classes, gym, pool & spa facilities, just £5.00 for adults & £2.50 for children, present this email at reception with payment to activate access.
Relax in the Brampton Manor Bar & Bistro with log fires, real ale & Tea/Coffee.
Excellent Sunday Carvery £8.95 or 2 for £15,child £4.95, must be book in advance 12pm - 4pm call 01246 277760. Present this email at bar to get the 2 for £15 offer.
The Peter Kramer Cup Finals will be held at Brampton Manor from 2pm on 21st April 2013 If you haven't already arranged your semi-final match DO IT NOW! ..and if you have let the league know!